Thoughts on Parenting Books | Simple Mom

I just made my own mozzarella cheese! It turned out pretty good, so that’s definitely happening again… I’ll share more about it in the future.

Moving on… today’s topic: the unnecessary stress parenting books can give a new (or seasoned) mother, and why learning more about different parenting styles and ideologies is not always best for a parent or kids.

Actually, I was more than a little lost when I started writing this post (or thinking about writing it, since I didn’t have so much as a letter typed yet)… One of those days.

But then I got my daily update from Simple Mom and… problem solved.

Sarah Dunning Park shared her thoughts on parenting books yesterday and the effects they can have on actual parenting. And she included one of her poems on motherhood from her new book!

If you’ve ever had a concern about your child and started a week-long search for a solution or reason or advice you could actually do something with, asking everyone you know for their opinion an expertise, combing through book after book on parenting methods (and, if you’re like me… lots of internet searches and a few Kindle purchases), and still not been satisfied…. you need to read this post. I know I did!

Here’s a little piece from Sarah’s post:

I’d start with a simple question — is my baby supposed to be acting this way? — and somehow it would turn into an epic quest to find the One Right Answer, which I was certain must be found somewhere in the impressive stack of parenting books on my bedside table.
I was spending way too much time poring over these books — time that I could have spent finding my own way to mother her, or, I don’t know, catching up on my sleep.

Head over to Simple Mom to read more!

Happy mothering!

If you’re new… head here to read about the purpose behind this blog (and perhaps a little bit of encouragement?)

One thought on “Thoughts on Parenting Books | Simple Mom

  1. I had this same conversation with a mommy friend who is a nurse. She told me to throw them away cause they just make us crazy!! As of late, I am reading ” the happiest toddler on the block”. I guess I haven’t learned my lesson…

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